Wednesday 1 June 2011

Steps to vacume forming with thermoplastic

Step one You must have something prepared for your mold to be based on. Make sure it has all the necessary layers that it needs.

Step two: Make sure your final design has no parts hanging over the edge of your first layer or it will ruin your design. When the thermoplastic molds over your design the parts that are hanging over will sag down or melt off.

Step three:(Remember to warm the vacume former for about 7-10 minutes before starting this.

Step three Put your thermoplastic in the clamp position ,which is placed higher that the spot where your mold goes, and heat it for about one minute.

Step four: Place your design in the center point of your vacume former below the thermoplastic.

Step five pull the thermoplastic down over your design.

Step six: pump out the lever to get the thermoplastic to set on your design.

Step seven: let your design cool for a few minutes.

Step eight Pop out your design from the thermoplastic mold.

Step nine if necessary cut out your mold.

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