Tuesday 31 May 2011

Blog 5

Today we got to enter the workshop it was a great experience finally being out of the computer rooms we saw all sorts of different tools like files that you use on timber and sand paper and a saw that Mr Andrews showed us and demonstrated a way he would cut our timber on something called a van saw. The van saw is a large saw with a large blade if you get your fingers caught in it then that will defiantly cause damage to them or even cut them off. It is used mainly for cutting timber. We also saw the benches we will be working at while we make our clocks and saw something called a scroll saw that Mr Andrews told us we can use if we need to for our designs. The scroll saw is a small saw that can be used to cut more detailed objects. We also saw the disk sander that looked really dangerous. The disk sander is used to sand off timber to get escpecially smooth edges. There was a problem though all the power went off in the workshop and Mr Andrews could only show us how the van saw worked. The class still behaved well and stayed behind the yellow safety lines just incase.

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